Step 1 of 14
Question #1
According to the Ocean cleanup's Map for River Plastic Pollution Sources, the Philippines has 42 river bodies that contributes about 1 to 3 million killograms of plastic per year.
Question #2
During a long walk, you can't seem to find a garbage can and you find a trash pile near a side walk, would one more hurt?
Trash thrown in canals end up in river and ocean bodies from being carried by rain, wind, and other natural penomena.
Question #3
Question #4
Rivers have living ecosystems and require sunlight to allow aquatic species to survive.
Question #5
You've just finished cooking and your left with a small amount of letover cooking oil. How will you dispose it?
Oil is a key ingredient in shaping Fatbergs! These are soft blobs or can also be rock-solid blockers of our drains, and lead to our rivers that can also cause water pollution.
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